Zynx in the Middle East
- Cut inappropriate tests
- Reduce length of stay
- Improve drug prescribing choices
- Improve patient outcomes
Why ZynxOrder?
Zynx Health has become the pioneer and market leader in evidence-based order set and plan of care solutions, since launching in 1996. Zynx has been implemented in more than 20 hospitals and 80 clinics across the UAE and Qatar as well as over 1,600 hospitals globally.
ZynxOrder is a flexible SaaS-based solution and can be quickly deployed without expensive on-site servers, meaning order sets can be easily maintained across multiple facilities. Our partnerships with leading EMR vendors enable ZynxOrder to be securely integrated into the CPOE workflow. Depending on your EMR system, bi-directional integration may also be possible.
Order sets from Zynx contain links to unbiased gold standard evidence, enabling clinicians to easily build order sets to meet and exceed international quality and performance measures. The solution highlights high-impact interventions and flags interventions that enable compliance with performance measures.
An expert clinical team will work with you on-site to support localizing order sets and maximizing clinical adoption. Even before implementation Zynx forecasters can be used to help define measurable project targets in terms of improved clinical and financial outcomes.